
Dice Tower by /u/dorino0net

Source: http://redd.it/1tm98y
Original Creator: /u/dorino0net

EASM at: http://goo.gl/n34MYO

Waiting on official dimensions. I also made a configuration that showcases an acrylic panel to show off the dice rolls.


Reindeer Decoration by /u/ModitRipit

Source: Personal Request
Original Creator: /u/moditripit

EASM at: http://goo.gl/Ezjoua
IGS at http://goo.gl/0OAslh

The original had some balancing issues, so I made the parts far more symmetrical and managed to get the center of gravity to the center. Also made a set of antlers for boy reindeer, because why not.

I've uploaded an IGS file so those with a CNC router can spit these out. If I get time, I'll make some large PDFs that print out 1:1 templates for those making these manually.